What a difference a year makes. A year ago Mr. Sweaters was a stray living on the edge in our neighborhood. The very first time I saw him he was chasing a mole in our backyard. Looking back on the pictures we took of him for a neighborhood flyer (we thought he might be lost) I just can't believe how unhealthy he looked. After a few months of feeding him on our porch we welcomed him into our home. It was not an easy adjustment at first for him and Chloe. Hissing and growling ensued, but after a few months they could stand each other. Now they sleep together. When we see them acting so close we always comment on how far they have come and how grateful we are that everything has worked out so well.
Our Handsome Boy
Mr. Sweaters rocks! Great looking cat you have there.
He really is handsome! Bless your heart for taking him in too.
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